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the isle of rose

Observer: "thousands of oceans it carries on its' keel,
but none had your storms and the depth of your feel.
There are songs that salut, about an isle of rose,
but none of these lasted, through a storm made of crows.
Narrator: "hits on shore, the crew gets choked in rose
the sails have been ripped from charming thorns."

Captain: "Hey y' all silent, till' we know in what shore we landed.
For all i know from every land we 're banned.
This ship is our ground, for now,  if that's a relief.
Our clothes are ripped and our hearts deep in the reef."

Narrator: "For what in the sea they lost, forever will be lost,
cause everything comes with a cost and a ghost.
The moment of search, the truth above dare.
You witness him, brilliant, permorming what's fair."

Captain: "You gather my sailors, my drunk-hero men.
This land that we question, a brave man shall search.
I won't put much pressure, I won't stand against,
if anyone wishes to share of his best.
Is anyone willing  to fear no death?
I call here the soul that shall wear this wreath"

Narrator: "He lifts it up high and stares at his men.
The crew fell in silence, but sounded a breath"

J: "Why so serious?"

Narrator: "He shouted and shown."

J: "Who has even to fear of losing a throne?"

Captain: "I call you here sailor, you shall share your name.
Your face bring over to sign your fame."

Narrator: "The crew followed his steps as he spelled out his name."

J: "Joker it is ,captain, and that holds my fame."

Captain: "I hear you, I see you, but where is the joke?
It seems like this sea, mad you have  gone."

J: "I am the reason to laugh, I'm the joke.
And if it's  my last one, in laugh you will choke.
No captain, no sailor will stand on this wreck.
For if that's a ghost land, I'll shuffle the deck."

Observer: "You saw what he did there?
He challenged his fate.
You watch him now closely, as he invisions a gate."

J: "The fool i am. Go look at the stars, no reason to hate.
So, be a captain now cause it's getting late.
You're probably struggling to find it funny,
but look around wait we're quiting, a night so sunny.
Enough with the talk, i have promised a walk.
A joker may be lost  forever but is alive in every joke."

Captain: "Alright, you have spoken, performative and wise.
For that i will give you the fame to rise.
I will set a gambling, for i am the house.
These sailors will bet and no loser will grouse.
Come on y'all brave men and gather on the deck.
A joker's heart instead,  of our future on this wreck."

Narrator: "Last bets on, sailor Joker on the pick."

Observer: "He ain't worried though, he knows best what we seek."

J: "For all is a joke, a tasteless prank."

Captain: "Ahoy!" 

Narrator: "The captain says and points to the plank."

J: "For all is  a joke, a tasteless prank."

narrator: " the joker smiles transcendentally, before, and leaves the plank."

Observer: "..cause moments of such choices, extract our deepest voices.."


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