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Showing posts from January, 2017

Absenteeism [A malfunction in attractiveness]

Sense of absence is relevant since doors inbetween physical and spiritual world become known.  Missing is there because we focus on what we want and don't have  in the place of having something we do not want.  Releasing what we have and don't want creates space and attracts  in the pursuit of having what we want. No missing. Just filling. Let the process of filling give you the options. The wisdom in growing. Attracting anything that wants to be attracted by you. Emotionalism. Absenteeism. A malfunction in attractiveness. Being present is irrelevant with presence of time. Being present is all about the relativity of time. If something was once present it can never become absent. Remember what you attract.

melting combo

in this room's peaceful warmth, tear your clothes apart. in this body's capacity, fuel your screams in utero. survived. still. distilled, yet dirty. in this room's peaceful warmth, it's not the candle's heat. it is your inside. your clothes, your consciousness. your body, your choice. in this room's peaceful warmth, let it all begin. like flashing in your mind. and there they stand along. both strong. both solid. in this room's peaceful warmth, a combo is melting.