All through the cedars, all night through.
Footsteps on sand.
Waves on land.
A scorpion comforts a scarab.
I will know where you will step.
I will be there every time.
You said, the waves! Can you hear them?
And i could.
For hours. For months. For ever.
That was me.
And that was you.

Up on the hill the wind has blown our voice. Observe the angle.
For in the silence you will come to these words.

Waiting for you. All around.
In every quantized condition.
Underneath stones, melting in freeze.
The scorpion stood up.
The stones. This weight.
I am afraid.
Without the cedars and the sand.
Without a promise and a land.
I will not stay, but stead i will be everywhere.

And choose the door.
The right door on the left.
Prepare for what is right.
Know from all that's left.
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