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You feel kind of steel that you are made of, moments like this. 
Cause you know wrong.
You have been mashed and chewed and spit and only shape can exist from where you come. 
It is abandanment. It is a blurry sight of importance. 
These eyes as your eyes may say, keep turning in and out. Like an engine's eternal fate. 
So, leave the coat hanging and spare a quote that night. 
With spray vandalise the wall that keeps us strangers. 
Shout until your last note crawls over your tongue's disgusting surface and feel, feel the heat.
The heat that scratches your mortal chest. 
Inhale as you bring life and smoothness along your self. 
Cause it's in the ride's favour to lift you and drop you everywhere you fear.
So, steady as I said, you keep your thoughts unbalanced and with a smile up to your ears, you gesture, admitting your agreement.
In coma. Nanoseconds. And let your fantasy to grow more.
Apart from dramas I wonder if you're flowerish these days.
If lately you run out and jump onto your magic carpet and fly in numerous directions and heights or wake up in vain laying on your kitchen's oily floor with pieces of red skin onion adding to what is real.
Your carpet of course is not a carpet any more. And surely not magic.
You have been searching and that is what you found. 
So dig no more to where you step, I say.
And leave in peace the time you recruited your arms to hold this inert head.
This act is no more needed.
You shall pass in flow and madness and through our sights you will flash.
With steelness armored, shaped, from where you come.
You bow and you applause. You clever. We, the astonished.


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